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Continuation monad in Scala
Posted on December 28, 2008Here is how a continuation data type might look in Scala:
sealed trait Continuation[R, +A] {
def apply(f: A => R): R
import Continuation.continuation
def map[B](k: A => B) =
apply(z compose k))
continuation[R, B](z =>
def flatMap[B](k: A => Continuation[R, B]) =
continuation[R, B](z => }
Note that there are map
and flatMap
functions that satisfy the functor and monad laws. Continuation[R, _]
is a monad.
Now let’s add some construction functions:
object Continuation {
def continuation[R, A](g: (A => R) => R) = new Continuation[R, A] {
def apply(f: A => R) = g(f)
def unit[R] = new {
def apply[A](a: A) = continuation[R, A](f => f(a))
def callcc[R, A, B](f: (A => Continuation[R, B]) => Continuation[R, A]) =
f(a => continuation(x => k(a)))(k))
continuation[R, A](k => }
The continuation
function is a straight-forward construction. The unit
function constructs a continuation is such a way as to satisfy the monad laws against the flatMap
method. The callcc
function (call with current continuation) is to allow “escaping” from the current continuation.
Here is some example client code that squares a number using a continuation (see squarec
object Square {
import Continuation._
def square(n: Int) = n * n
// Continuation for square
def squarec[R](n: Int) = unit[R](square(n))
// Continuation for effect (Unit) on square.
// This is simply to help the type inferencer by applying a type argument.
def squareE(n: Int) = squarec[Unit](n)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val k = squareE(args(0).toInt)
} }
A slightly more complicated example for modelling exceptions. Let’s divide where the denominator must be 0 or an “exception” is thrown:
object Divide {
import Continuation._
// Division
def div[R](c: String => Continuation[R, Int])
// numerator
(n: Int, // denominator
d: Int)
: Continuation[R, Int] =
callcc[R, Int, String](ok =>
callcc[R, String, String](err =>if(d == 0) err("Denominator 0")
else ok(n / d)
) flatMap c)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def divError[R] = div[R](error(_)) _
println(divError(7, 3)(x => x))
println(divError(7, 0)(x => x)) // throws error
} }