λ Tony's Blog λ
Understanding Monads using Scala (Part 1)
Posted on June 22, 2010Below are three exercises using Scala. The instructions for each are in the comments. Exercises 1 and 2 must be completed before Exercise 3 (which is just a thinking exercise – no code).
A follow-on to these exercises will be coming.
Hope this helps!
// A typical data type with a single abstract method
case class Inter[A](f: Int => A) {
// which is a functor
def map[B](g: A => B): Inter[B] =
Inter(n => g(f(n)))
// and a monad (see unital below)
def flatMap[B](g: A => Inter[B]): Inter[B] =
Inter(n => g(f(n)).f(n))
// unital: A => F[A]
// Implementations for F=Option and F=Inter
object Unitals {
def unitalOption[A](a: A): Option[A] =
def unitalInter[A](a: A): Inter[A] =
Inter(_ => a)
// Exercises
// It is recommended to use only map, flatMap and unital* for
// Option or Inter when implementing the exercises below.
// Any other libraries are acceptable (e.g. List functions).
object Sequencing {
import Unitals._
// Exercise 1 of 3
// ===============
// Implement a function that returns None if the given list
// contains any None values, otherwise, all the Some values.
def sequenceOption[A](x: List[Option[A]]): Option[List[A]] =
// SOLUTIONx2 (ROT-13)
k.sbyqEvtug(havgnyBcgvba(Avy: Yvfg[N]))((n, o) => n syngZnc (k => o znc (k :: _)))
k zngpu {
pnfr Avy => havgnyBcgvba(Avy)
pnfr u::g => u syngZnc (k => frdhraprBcgvba(g) znc (k :: _))
// Exercise 2 of 3
// ===============
// Implement a function that returns an Inter that applies an Int
// to all the Inter implementations in the List of Inters and returns
// all the results.
def sequenceInter[A](x: List[Inter[A]]): Inter[List[A]] =
// SOLUTIONx2 (ROT-13)
k.sbyqEvtug(havgnyVagre(Avy: Yvfg[N]))((n, o) => n syngZnc (k => o znc (k :: _)))
k zngpu {
pnfr Avy => havgnyVagre(Avy)
pnfr u::g => u syngZnc (k => frdhraprVagre(g) znc (k :: _))
// Exercise 3 of 3
// ===============
// There is repetition in the above exercises.
// How might we be rid of it?
// That is for Part 2.
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def assertEquals[A](a1: A, a2: A) {
if(a1 != a2)
error("Assertion error. Expected: " + a1 + " Actual: " + a2)
def assertInterEquals[A](a1: Inter[A], a2: Inter[A]) {
val testInts = List(1, 2, 0, -7, -9, 113, -2048)
assertEquals(testInts.map(a1.f(_)), testInts.map(a2.f(_)))
// sequenceOption
8), Some(9))), Some(List(7, 8, 9)))
Some(assertEquals(sequenceOption(List(Some(7), None, Some(9))),
// sequenceInter
Inter(_ => List()))
Inter(2*))), Inter(n => List(1+n, 2*n)))
} }