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Automated Validation with Applicatives and Semigroups (for Sanjiv)
Posted on March 21, 2010Sanjiv is an ex-colleague of mine who recently gave an excellent presentation at Brisbane Functional Programming Group. His presentation was on the use of the disjoint union algebraic data type for representing error handling or “validation”. This data type is often called Either
. Sanjiv used the Scala version for his presentation.
Here I am going to write a data type that is just like (isomorphic to) Either
called Validation
. There will be two constructors for failure and success. I will be using Haskell, Scala and Java. I am going to present a function that is mentioned in an excellent paper called Applicative Programming with Effects.
There is a slight difference in my implementation to the function in this paper. The one mentioned in the paper uses a Monoid
constraint, while I am using the more general Semigroup
. This allows data types that are semigroups but not monoids (all monoids are semigroups). In particular, a non-empty list is a semigroup but not a monoid.
This constraint on the failing value allows the user to automatically accumulate errors as they chain through the Validation
values, for example, by keeping them in a non-empty list. I am not going to give example usages of this code in this post because I think it is a great exercise for others and I do not want to spoil it. It is sufficient to say that any usage that type-checks is likely to be a useful example. I may give examples in the future if there is some confusion that needs clarification.
The function can accumulate Validation
values using the applicative programming pattern. If all given are successful, you’ll be left with a function that takes all the successful values to a new value, which will be returned as a success. If at least one is not successful, the applicative pattern will begin accumulating with that error value and any future values.
I recommend starting with a simple example such as a Person
type with an age :: Int
and name :: String
with imposed validation rules such as “age must be above 0 and less than 130” and “name must start with a capital letter”. The applied function at the end should be ValidatedInt -> ValidatedString -> Person
Like I said, if there is any confusion, I’ll expand later. Put the questions in the comments. Enjoy! :)
Here is a Haskell implementation of this:
data Validation e a = Fail e | Success a deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Associative, binary operation (Monoid without identity)
class Semigroup a where
append :: a -> a -> a
(<+>) :: Validation e a -> (a -> b) -> Validation e b
Fail e <+> _ = Fail e
Success a <+> f = Success (f a)
(<*>) :: (Semigroup e) => Validation e a
-> Validation e (a -> b)
-> Validation e b
Fail e1 <*> Fail e2 = Fail (e1 `append` e2)
Fail e1 <*> Success _ = Fail e1
Success _ <*> Fail e2 = Fail e2
Success a <*> Success f = Success (f a)
And Scala:
sealed trait Validation[E, A] {
def <+>[B](f: A => B): Validation[E, B] = this match {
case Fail(e) => Fail(e)
case Success(a) => Success(f(a))
def <*>[B](f: Validation[E, A => B])(implicit s: Semigroup[E])
this match {
: Validation[E, B] = case Fail(e1) => f match {
case Fail(e2) => Fail(s append (e1, e2))
case Success(_) => Fail(e1)
}case Success(a) => f match {
case Fail(e2) => Fail(e2)
case Success(f) => Success(f(a))
}case class Fail[E, A](e: E) extends Validation[E, A]
case class Success[E, A](a: A) extends Validation[E, A]
// Associative binary operation (Monoid without identity)
case class Semigroup[A](append: (A, A) => A)
And now, for the allegedly practical Java. Hold your breath:
// Java pre-amble, sigh.
interface F<X, Y> {
apply(X x);
// Associative binary operation (Monoid without identity)
interface Semigroup<a> {
append(A a1, A a2);
abstract class Validation<E, A> {
// No algebraic data types in Java. Use a Church encoding (catamorphism).
public abstract <x> X fold(F<E, X> fail, F<A, X> success);
// Construction for fail
public static <E, A> Validation<E, A> fail(final E e) {
return new Validation<E, A>() {
public <x> X fold(final F<E, X> fail, final F<A, X> success) {
return fail.apply(e);
// Construction for success
public static <E, A> Validation<E, A> success(final A a) {
return new Validation<E, A>() {
public <x> X fold(final F<E, X> fail, final F<A, X> success) {
return success.apply(a);
// <+>
public <b> Validation<E, B> map(final F<A, B> f) {
return new Validation<E, B>() {
public <x> X fold(final F<E, X> fail, final F<B, X> success) {
return Validation.this.fold(fail, new F<A, X>() {
public X apply(final A a) {
return success.apply(f.apply(a));
// <*>
public <b> Validation<E, B> applicativate(
final Validation<E, F<A, B>> f,
final Semigroup<e> s /* no implicits or type-classes in Java */) {
return Validation.this.fold(new F<E, Validation<E, B>>() {
public Validation<E, B> apply(final E e1) {
return f.fold(new F<E, Validation<E, B>>() {
public Validation<E, B> apply(final E e2) {
// case (Fail(e1), Fail(e2))
return Validation.fail(s.append(e1, e2));
}new F<F<A, B>, Validation<E, B>>() {
}, public Validation<E, B> apply(final F<A, B> f) {
// case (Fail(e1), Success(f))
return Validation.fail(e1);
}new F<A, Validation<E, B>>() {
}, public Validation<E, B> apply(final A a) {
return f.fold(new F<E, Validation<E, B>>() {
public Validation<E, B> apply(final E e2) {
// case (Success(a), Fail(e2))
return Validation.fail(e2);
}new F<F<A, B>, Validation<E, B>>() {
}, public Validation<E, B> apply(final F<A, B> f) {
// case (Success(a), Success(f))
return Validation.success(f.apply(a));
} }