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Clean-up resource with Scala
Posted on November 17, 2008
Nov 17 15:48:39 <jinok>
i hate wasting vertical space declaring vals that i need to initialize outside of a try block so i can clean them up in a finally blockNov 17 15:48:53 <jinok>
so i’ve started doing the initialization using lazy vals.
sealed trait Resource[+T] {
val value: T
def close: Unit
def use[X](f: T => X) = try { f(value) } finally { close }
import java.io.InputStream
object Resource {
def resource[T](t: T, c: => Unit) = new Resource[T] {
val value = t
def close = c
implicit def InputStreamResource(t: InputStream) = resource(t, t.close)
object Example {
import Resource._
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val in = new java.io.FileInputStream("/etc/passwd")
// print the first character of /etc/passwd
println(in use (_.read.toChar))
} }
Reader’s exercise: Resource
is a functor and monad. Implement the map
and flatMap
methods. Observe trickiness and ask why?